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Ideas & Projects

Strategic Management - FIAR SpA - 1990

I have always been restless and it was only after three years in my job as an engineer that I resigned.

The company reacted by offering me a (discreet) raise, but above all the opportunity to try my hand at a discipline that interested me very much even if I hadn't studied at all: strategic planning.

In this way I had the opportunity to dramatically expand my systemic analysis skills, to get in touch with Top Management and, as they say in jargon, to make a career.

The company had a management plant of General Electric origin and therefore was structured to think in strategic terms. When I started working on it, however, the process used was severely lacking and I enjoyed molding it as I pleased.

In those years I was fascinated by the systemic vision and by a nascent and, at least in Italy, misunderstood new discipline of future studies, also commonly called futurology.

I also tried to introduce the technique of scenarios, but for that I would have needed many other resources that the company could not afford,  In that period the company faced an important strategy of diversification from the military and aerospace markets and for which strategic planning and Merger & Acquisiton skills were essential.

I learned and applied both having as mentor (and then friend) Silvio Rossignoli , my greatest mentor.

I also learned from managing director Silvano Casini, despite his questionable methods of management by terror and later  by frustration

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