Silvio Rossignoli
"Ciao belé". Così mi saluta Silvio quando mi chiama al telefono e visto che quando l'ho visto per la prima volta, nel 1983, lui, in termini fantozziani, era un direttore megagalattico, l'affetto che ne frattempo ci ha unito è più che evidente.
Silvio è stato il mio mentore e mi ha fatto maturare non solo professionalmente ma anche come uomo. Per dire tutto quello che penso di lui dovrei scrivere se non un libro per lo meno un pamphlet.
Un grande manager e un ancor più grande uomo.
L'unica cosa che non gli perdono è di essersi fatto deportare.
Quando mi prese in staff alla sua nuova direzione mi disse: "Pasotti, io non posso darle autorità. Lei dovrà essere autorevole".
E da allora, così ho sempre cercato di comportarmi, non solo sul lavoro ma anche nella vita di tutti i giorni, perché quasi sempre la forza del pensiero ha ragione della forza bruta.
Personal information
Status:Married and separated, one son.
Studies:University Degree at Milan Polytechnics in Aeronautical Engineering.
Languages:Italian (mother language), English and French.
Training and Publications
Professional training mostly focused on:
• General management
• Strategic planning
• Quality
• Project Management
• Controlling Methods
• Economic and financial analysis
On some of the above topics he published articles and papers for newspapers (Il Sole 24 Ore), magazines (De Qualitate, IAF) and seminars (IPSOA). On financial business analysis he was also
authoring software application tools (IPSOA).
Major assignments
2020 - Now Vice President Confimi Industrie
Board member and representative for Aerospace and Defence
2020 - Now Board member of the Chamber of Commerce Frosinone-Latina
Industry representative at the Chamber of Commerce
2014 - Now Chairman of Federlazio the SME Lazio Region Industrial Association
One of the most representative local Industrial Association grouping more than 3,000 SME companies on several industrial sectors.
2017 - Now Chairman at Arescosmo SpA the Defence and Space part of former Aero Sekur SpA
He lead Aero Sekur SpA through a complex demerger involving the Aviation (now Aero Sekur) and the Defence and Space divisions (now Arescosmo) and as a result of the decision taken by the shareholders he was appointed Chairman of Arescosmo SpA and Arescosmo Ltd, the controlling Company.
The Company resulting from the demerger required and still requires great attention and he is now leading the Company through a new recovery process to improve efficiency and market share.
2001 - 2017 Chairman at Aero Sekur SpA
He lead the Company through a complex restructuring process from a manufacturing under blueprint model into an independent fully responsible Organisation able to range with their own products from Defence to Aviation and Space. As a result of a successful turnaround he managed the Company MBO in July 2007.
Main tasks to restore the required Company financial stability were devoted to:
• Re-engineer the entire business workflow.
• Review the business guidelines.
• Increase the share owner’s Value Adding capability.
• Support the establishment of strategic alliances.
• Balance the Company business portfolio.
After the accomplishment of this quite lengthy process he restored a strong Design and Development capability which allowed the Company to be successfully present in manyadvanced market areas.
The Company was operating over four production sites and through five operational Companies employing about 220 people a significant part of them being employed for Product development.
1992-2000 Professional consultant
Professional consultant to several industry and service organisations by means of a personally owned consulting organisation.
Consulting activities were mostly dedicated to:
General Management (carried a three years management contract assignment as CEO of a 70 Blit turnover Group operating in the Security Systems market. The main objective was to restructure the business and lean the Organisation). Training courses on this matter had been held with major Italian professional training institutions
Strategic planning and M&A (lead of client’s internal teams to the market analysis, project definition, planning of acquisitions and negotiations with potential targets)
Quality (various publications for “Il Sole 24 Ore” and UNI – Italian Standard Organisation - and training courses, mostly on Quality costing)
BPR (professional training courses c/o major professional training institutions and lead of client’s operating consulting teams for workflow re-organisation, including set up of IT tools)
Controlling (professional training courses and lead of client’s operating consulting teams for process costing and value analysis, including set up of IT tools)
In this period he managed the start up of some new business initiatives:
Performa Srl – Professional consultancy
Trimedia Srl - Information systems (Computer Based Training, Internet publishing, e.commerce, etc.)
INELCO SpA – CCTV for Security systems
1987-1992 General Manager at Finmeccanica and Ericsson
In a first period as a manager of the Swedish group, later for Finmeccanica, he carried out the CEO responsibility of a group of Companies and Divisions operating in the fields of:
• Security systems (Ericsson Sistemi di Sicurezza)
• Space systems and space robotics (Italspazio SpA and Tecnospazio Consortium)
• Industrial robotics
• Computational linguistics (Thamus Consortium)
• Military advanced research projects and hostile environment robotics
Overall net sales were in the order of 70 Blit and the Group employed about 700 people over 5 different locations in Italy.
Most noteworthy activities in this period have been those related to the start up of a Consortium dedicated to Space robotics (now incorporated by Selex ES) with Comau-FIAT and another Consortium for computer automatic language translation in cooperation with the University of Salerno.
Also quite noteworthy all EUREKA researches devoted to automatic driving systems (vision correlation based) for military transportation vehicles and sensor data fusion (radar, IR and visual) for battlefield data reporting.
1985-1987 Quality Manager, Strategic Planning & Business Development at General Electric
He was appointed Quality Assurance Manager and later Strategic Planning and Business Development Manager at Fiar SpA. During this period he lead the Company to diversify from strictly Defence production activities to Space and Civil applications by means of the proper exploitation of the available technologies.
1977-1985 Marketing and Sales advanced research at General Electric Company
He was responsible for marketing and sales of the advanced research operations of Fiar SpA and conducted his unit to collect research contracts from CNR, ESRO and ELDO.
1971-1977 Quality Control at General Electric Company
He was employed at Fiar SpA within the Quality Assurance organisation. His initial activities were related to production Quality Control plans.